Wednesday, October 22, 2008

paren/teacher conferences

Today was my parent/teacher conference at Christians school. He got all E's and +'s on his report card. He got a check mark because he was having trouble distinguishing a square from a rectangle.
He is really starting to pick up on recognizing words. Everywhere we go he is pointing words out to me. I talked with his teacher about volunteering in the classroom. I am going to help out a few times a week. It should be fun. Tomorrow is Daniel's conferences. He is in eighth grade so I will be doing some walking. His classes are pretty close together. When I was in middle school I had to cover two whole floors . They always let me leave five minutes before class got out so I would not get ran over in the hallway. I am looking forward to meeting his teachers. He is taking Spanish this year and just loves his teacher. A good teacher always makes a class more enjoyable.


Anonymous said...

My sons' has each grade just in one single story building. Matt is in 6th & Austin is in 8th. It makes conferences nice too because you aren't searching everywhere for a class. High school won't be so simple though. I have a cousin who has cerebal palsy. We used to leave 10 minutes early in high school to help her get to her next class...and that was without going to her locker. She kept her books on her wheelchair.

Anonymous said...

How nice that your son likes his teacher. It makes all the difference at that age. In high school, you seem to have matured enough to "get over it" if you don't like your teacher and still do well, but in middle school, it makes all the difference.

Enjoy volunteering. That should be fun.

Melissa Jo said...

I agree, a teacher can make or break a class. I always loved the classes with great teachers, you never fondly remember those classes with bad teachers.